Issue: Perpetual red toaster error on right side of station screen
Cause #1: If you stop network pay display from running while you are logged in to access, there will be an infinite number of red error toaster messages that appear on the right side of the station screen rendering the station unusable.
Resolution: Start the Network Pay Display app and click start. Red errors will begin to disappear.
How to avoid: Always remove the mini from Access before stopping the Network Pay Display app. On the station, go to Register Devices Customer-facing Displays then tap red X to remove then stop Network Pay Display on Mini.
Cause #2: If on the Mini, in Network Pay Display app Settings(3 lines top left) Enable Development Certificate checkbox is NOT checked.
Resolution: Check Enable Development Certificate and restart server via the green button at the top right then tap Back Click the green Start button.
How to avoid: Once this check box is checked, it very very rarely becomes unchecked. Just be aware that it needs to be checked if you see issues with the connection between the devices.
Issue: When tethering the devices together in Access, the mini connects then immediately disconnects or connects but the customer-facing display emblem on the register is dark instead of white and then disconnects resulting in the device not fully tethering.
Cause #3: On the Mini, in Network Pay Display app, the Enable Development Certificate box is NOT checked. This will prevent the mini from retaining the connection to the station.
Resolution: Break out of Network Pay Display app by tapping four corners of mini screen. Tap Start in the Network Pay Display Tap the three lines at the top left for settings Settings Check the Enable Development Certificate Configure and then restart server Back click the big green Start button at the top right on Mini.
On the Station open Access Register Devices Customer facing displays Click the green + button to add mini to station or click Add Network Device and enter info from mini.
How to avoid: When configuring for the first time or after the device receives updates, ensure Enable Development Certificate is checked and restart server via green button.
Standard Troubleshooting for devices:
No Network to the Mini:
Ensure ethernet cable is plugged into mini triangle hub
If no network, ensure port and cable are working by using a known good system close by and see if it connects
If network port is on and cable is good, go to mini android settings → ethernet → Toggle on and off
In rare cases, a mini reboot is required as the network connection is jammed, but a simple toggle on and off of ethernet should resolve in most cases.
No Network to the Station:
Ensure on the Mini that the tethering checkbox is activated
Swipe down from the top right of mini → click more → click tethering and portable hotspot → Toggle use tethering off and on or just on
Click the square at the bottom of the station and swipe down from top right to access settings → more → Ethernet → Toggle on and off.
In rare cases, a station reboot is required.