Access is the name of the software that runs on the register. In Access, your cashiers will be able to ring up orders, lookup previous orders, adjust standsheets, and more. In this guide, we will discover some basics of the register to get you familiar with how Bypass works.
Table of Contents
Logging into Bypass
When first turning on the register, or returning to it after it has been logged out, you will see the login screen.
For an employee to be able to log into the terminal, they will need to have an account created. You can find more information on creating an employee here.
After typing in the Username and Password, tap the Login button.
If this is your first time logging (or you don't have a default location set), you will be asked what location you will be using for this register (Find out more about creating locations here). If you are hosting an event, you can set what event you are running (Find out more about events here).
Select your location, then tap Next, and then choose your event, if applicable, and then tap Done.
Home Screen Overview
After logging into the register, you will see the home screen. Here is a simple breakdown of what you will see.
From the picture above:
1. Server - The Employee currently logged in.
2. From left to right:
a. Network Status - shows if the terminal is online or offline.
b. Reload - Updates any database changes.
c. Logout - Completely exits Access.
3. Stand Manager - Used for monitoring events and inventory. It contains Status, Standsheets, Reports, Till, Terminal Settings, & Debug.
4. Remote - Used for remote fulfillment.
5. Orders - Shows all order types and statuses.
6. Register - Shows the location's menu and checkout.
7. Terminal Settings (pencil button) - Shows a screen to update the tablet's name, location, and event.
8. Time Clock - If you use the Bypass time clock feature, this button shows the employee clock in/out screen.
Your register's screen might look different from what is above, depending on the other features you have enabled. Take some time to explore through the register. As you read through these guides, you will see how your settings affect the register.