The General Settings page has several settings that can change how your POS works. In this section, you can adjust settings that are applied to all aspects of your business. This article will explain what the General Settings affect and how to change them.
To set these defaults, head to Configuration > General Settings in Clover Sport Manager.
Here you can change the following:
Surcharge Defaults
Discount Defaults
Gratuity Defaults
Custom Discounts
Validate Loyalty Cards to Apply Promotions
- Tap/Dip/Swipe Settings for Loyalty (Please consult your Clover Sport CS Manager before turning this feature on):
- When toggled on, this feature will prompt the guest to tap, dip, or swipe their Loyalty card the same way they would a credit card.
- Tap/Dip/Swipe Settings for Promotions (Please consult your Clover Sport CS Manager before turning this feature on)
- When toggled on, this feature will prompt the guest to tap, dip or swipe their Stored Value card that holds the promotion the same way they would a credit card.
Allow for Manual Card Entry
Enable Nickle Rounding
Enable Cash Drawer Controls
Set Offline Credit Card Limits
Digital Signatures settings
Signature Legal Statement
Receipt Footer Message
Automatic Logout Settings
Preorder Cut Off Time
Toggle Receiving Customer Preorder Emails
Enable Tablet settings on Register
Venue Logo
Venue Contact Information
Order Status Board URL
Inventory Reset
- Inventory Reset
To learn more about these settings continue reading below.
The Orders section controls the following:
- Surcharge Group - The default surcharge fees automatically applied to every order
- Discount Group - The default discount group available to all locations
- Gratuity - The default gratuity settings for locations
- Allow Custom Discounts - enables the custom discount button for all locations
- Validate Loyalty Cards to Apply Promotions - Enables loyalty accounts for Promotions
The Payments section controls the following:
- Manual Card Entry - Allows for manual card entry. Please note: This is currently only available on the Flex device, and will be sunsetted the summer of 2024.
- Nickel Rounding - Rounds up cash orders to the nearest nickel amount
- Cash Drawer Controls - If enabled cashiers will not be able to process another transaction until the cash drawer is closed (Only works with USB cash drawers)
- Offline Credit Card Amount Limit - Orders that exceed this amount will not be taken in Offline Mode (having a 0 amount here will allow all orders to be accepted in Offline Mod). Instead, you will be prompted to reduce the order to below the threshold.
- Always ensure that you have a value inputted here.
- Most Concessions operate at $50 or more in offline mode, while Premium Areas are typically higher, $250 or more. It is up to each venue what they would like their offline credit limit to be.
The Receipts section controls the following:
- Accept Digital Signatures - Enables electronic signatures on the register for any orders that exceed the Signature Required Threshold
- Signature Required Threshold - The dollar amount of an order that requires a signature
- Signature Legal Statement - Edits the legal message below the signature line
- Receipt Foot Message - Message that will appear at the bottom of a Receipt
Server Station
The Server Station (restaurant and commissary locations only) section controls the following:
- Automatic Logout - If using Server Station this setting will automatically log out users after inactivity
- Automatic Logout Time Threshold - The amount of time a Sever Station user can be inactive for (in seconds)
If your venue has purchased the Premium add-on for Clover Sport, additional options related to Suites will be made available.
The Suites section controls the following:
- Customer Preorder Cut Off Time - Amount of time before an event customers are able to submit preorders through the suites customer portal
- Receive Emails for Submitted Customer Preorders - Set-up email alerts to new incoming preorders
Tablet Settings
The Tablet Settings section controls the following:
- Display Tablet Settings on Home Page - Allows for hiding of the Settings icon from the Access home screen
Venue Info
Please note: The venue logo image upload feature has been deprecated. Please contact support at or 512-291-6192 to change your venue's logo on the customer-facing display. This image does not appear on customer receipts.
The Venue Info section controls the following:
- Venue Logo - Here you can upload an image to be visible on customer-facing displays
Contact Information - Used for digital receipts (Only used by Canadian Venues)
Below is an example of the text sent to Canadian customers when a phone number is added to the Contact Information.
Note: You may opt to add a phone number or email to this text, but not both. When using the email field, be sure to clear the phone number field as it will take precedence:
- Order Status Board URL - Used to download a csv file of your venue's Order Status Board URLs
Inventory Reset
The Inventory Reset section controls the following:
- Inventory Reset - set all inventory counts for all stock items in all locations to zero on the Inventory Status page
- Note: This button should be used with CAUTION. When resetting inventory counts to 0, your cost queue current quantities will NOT be reset to 0.