Line Item Special Instructions, Receipt Updates, + More
What’s New
- You can now add item-level special instructions on Anywhere!
- Orders that have a balance due can now be written off.
- Receipts have been updated to a modern, more consistent format.
- Audit entries in Bypass Manager automatically save as you type.
- Clover Station users can now take signature & tip on the Register for tabs opened with a card attached.
Bug Fixes
- When selecting a $0 tip, printed receipts would show a blank tip field. This has been fixed and the tip field now prints with the $0 tip value.
- When closing an order through the Void/Checkout dialog, we’d sometimes return to the Register screen and find the line items from that order still in the cart. Weird, right? This has been patched.
- Fulfillments would sometimes appear under the incorrect print group on a KDS. This will not happen anymore.
- In KDS + Network Printer environments, Fulfillments would sometimes deliver to the KDS but not the Network Printers. Major improvements have been made to avoid this workflow breakdown.
- Some users reported losing the ability to void line items on open orders. This is no longer an issue.
- Orders would sometimes end up in a state that didn’t make sense, causing numbers in reports not to match. We’ve added more guardrails to ensure orders end up in the correct state.
- You may notice some open orders due to issues processing offline payments, these can be closed by writing the order off in Manager. For more information on how to write off orders click here.
- Fixed arrow key navigation in Bypass Manager Audits
- We’ve changed our version number format to be Date-based.