When taking a credit card payment Clover Sport Manager will ask for a signature for any order above your Signature Threshold amount. This article will explain how to change this number for your entire venue.
To adjust the Signature Threshold amount navigate to Configuration > General Settings.
On the General Settings page scroll down until you see the Receipts section.
Any order above the amount entered in the Signature Required Threshold will ask the customer to sign to approve the order. If this amount is set to zero all orders will ask for a signature.
How to Accept Tips and Prompt for Digital Signature at or above Signature Threshold:
If you want to accept digital tips at your venue, you must enable digital signatures.
1. Navigate to POS Manager > Locations.
2. Select the location where you would like to accept tips, but only prompt for a digital signature at or above a certain dollar amount.
3. Scroll down to the Tips and Signatures section.
4. Make sure that Allow Tips is turned on.
5. Make sure that Accept Digital Signatures is turned on.
6. Input a high Signature Required Threshold amount so that any orders below that amount will not prompt the customer to digitally sign on the payment screen.
In the example below, the Signature Required Threshold is set to $500.00. All orders will allow for a tip but only orders totaling $500.00 or more will prompt the customer for their signature.
Note: Canadian venues have this feature disabled