Most businesses will have several accounts that they would like to be eligible for promotions. To make this process easier, you can import accounts using a CSV file. To get started, navigate to the accounts under Configuration > Manage Promotions > Accounts using the left side navigation bar.
Quick Overview
- On the accounts page, click the three dots and download the sample file
- Prepare your CSV file to be imported
- Import the file into Bypass
- Verify the data has been imported
1. Download a sample file
To Import your accounts, click on the three dots in the top right-hand corner.
2. Prepare the CSV File
Bypass can accept a CSV file (Comma Separated Values). You can download a sample file and edit it in Excel.
Account Number - Unique account id
Account Group - Group that this account will belong to
Active - Sets the account as active or inactive (0 is active, 1 is inactive)
3. Import File into Bypass
Once you have filled out the CSV, you can import the data. Once imported, this action can not be undone.
4. Verify imported Data
You will notice that the accounts will start to populate. Click on an account to verify the information has imported correctly. The result will behave like the following.
5. Repeat as needed
You can always come back and re-import data as you need to. For more information on creating promotions, click here.