While using the Till Audit reports screen you may potentially see multiple different status types. This article will explain the different statuses a Till Audit can experience.
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Online Till Audit
A BLUE Till Audit Report is indicative of a current, true report with all data captured and confirmed with none remaining in the offline queue. This is the ideal color of a Till Audit Report and reflects no connectivity loss. This should be the standard color of a Till Audit Report if your network connection is reliable and consistent.
Viewed Offline Till Audit Report
A YELLOW Till Audit Report indicates the report was viewed offline and it cannot confirm that there are no remaining offline orders. This color should alert the cashier to confirm there are no orders remaining unprocessed in the offline queue on the device.
Offline Till Audit Reports
A RED Till Audit Report appears if Till Management is entered while the device has no network connection. A red report tells us our device is offline and the data in the report will only be as current as the cloud has from its last known online transaction. If a red report appears, try exiting Till Management and work on returning the device back to an online state.
Failed to Load Tills
A recent enhancement to Till Management brings a new button to the Till Audit Reports screen. A “Reload” button will present itself if, for any reason, Till Audit Reports fail to load automatically as they should. This button ONLY shows if no reports load, it is not a “Refresh” button of the Till Audit Reports screen.
What can cause this button to show? Till Audit Reports will load automatically each time a cashier enters Till Management. If a network interruption occurs between entering Till Management and the loading of Till Audit Reports, they may fail to load. If the device is offline and Till Management has not loaded reports since cache on the device was cleared, Till Audit Reports may fail to load.
Pressing the “Reload” button will reinitialize the Till Audit Report loading function and present the available Till Audit Reports to the user. These reports may appear in different colors depending on tablet connectivity during service or reporting.