Employees are digital representations of cashiers and order takers in Clover Sport. Anyone you to have access to the register (both Station Duo & Flex) will need an employee profile created.
Table of Contents
Creating Employees
The Employees section is used to manage usernames and passwords needed for logging into the Flex and Station Duos.
Note: Even if you have an Administrator profile to log into manager.bypassmobile.com, you will still need an employee profile to log into the register.
1. To create a new Employee account, navigate to Labor > Employees. Click the green Create button in the upper-right corner.
2. Enter the following information
- Default Location
- Username (see note below)
- Password
Note: Because each username exists throughout the entire database, it is recommended to create a unique identifier for your employee usernames that corresponds to your venue name. For example: (shortened venue name)(first initial)(last name), Venue: The Big Stadium, Employee: James Smith. The username would be: tbsjsmith
Optional but highly recommended:
- Employee Name
- Role (For more information about Roles, review the Creating and Managing Roles article.)
User cards allow employees and managers to swipe a card (on the Flex) or use a generated QR (on a Station Duo) at the login screen instead of typing in their associated username and password.
1. To add a new user card to an Employee navigate to Labor > Employees. Click on an employee to open the edit panel. Scroll down to the User Card section and click Add User Card.
2. Enter an expiration date. You will know the card is attached when you see the serial number and expiration date listed.
If you need to order more Employee Cards or a Card Scanner contact our Clover Sport Help team at sales@bypassmobile.com.
For more information about logging into a Station Duo, click here. For more information about logging into a Flex, click here.
Edit an Employee
1. Click the Employee Name you wish to edit.
Note: You can edit everything with the exception of the username.
2. Once you have made the necessary changes, click the Save button at the top of the panel.
Deactivating an Employee
It is not possible to delete Employee accounts but you can deactivate an Employee.
- Click the Employee Name in the list of Employees.
- Click the Active toggle to the Off (left) position
- Click the Save button to save the changes.
In addition to marking the employee profile status "inactive", it is recommended to change their password since the account cannot be deleted.