Suites are Service Locations that can be reserved by a guest to enjoy your events. In Clover Sport, we must create a Suite and associate it with a Commissary Location such as a Suites Pantry. Once you create your Suites, you can create bookings for your guests.
How to Create a Commissary Location
Before you can create a Suite, you must have a Location that can act as your suite's pantry. To do this, you will need to create a Commissary Location.
1. Navigate to POS Manager > Locations.
2. Click Create.
3. Name the Location "Suites Pantry" or another suitable name.
4. Under Location type, select Commissary.
5. Select all other settings needed for this Location. More information can be found here.
6. Click Save.
Understand Order Adjustment Hierarchy
When creating your Commissary Locations, you will have the option to attach Order Adjustments to the Location. These Order Adjustments will be available for every order taken at the Suites Pantry on Game/Event Day.
It is important to understand that these Order Adjustments will also apply to Suites Preorders made on the OCPO site if you have no Order Adjustments applied to the Account or Booking level.
The Order Adjustments are enforced in the following order:
1. Booking: The OCPO site will look for Order Adjustments at the Booking first. If none exist, see #2.
2. Account: The OCPO site will then look for Order Adjustments at the Suite Account. If none exist, see #3.
3. Location: The OCPO site will then use Order Adjustments at the Commissary Location.
This hierarchy only applies to:
How to Create a Suite
In Clover Sport Manager, a Suite is considered a Service Location.
1. To create a suite, navigate to Configuration > Service Locations > Suites.
2. Click Create.
3. Input the following:
- Name: name of the Suite (as referenced by suite attendants, runners, and servers)
- Description (optional)
Location: The commissary location that this suite is associated with
- Note: Suite attendants will log into this Location and be able to assign orders to any Suite associated with it.
- Note: The Location will have a Game Day menu attached to it and this is the menu that will be available on the day of the event for guests to order from.
4. Click Save.