Suite Accounts are used to associate a company or organization with a Suite they own or booked for the year. You can add multiple Customers to a Suite Account so that different customers may use the Suite for different events.
- How to Create a Suite Account
- How to Input Suite Account Details
- Order Adjustments Hierarchy
- How to Attach Order Adjustments
- How to Create Customers
How to Create a Suite Account
The Suite Accounts tab displays all of the important information about your suite accounts in one place.
1. Navigate to Premium > Account.
2. Click Create.
3. Fill in the Suite Account Details (see next section).
Suite Account Details
Fill out the Suite Account Details:
- Suite Account Name: Name of the suite account
- Default Suite: Preferred suite (used as a default when booking)
Owner: Name of the suite owner
- The owner of the Suite Account will be able to log into the OCPO Portal and view and place orders at ALL Suites associated with their Suite Account
- If there is no owner assigned to the Suite Account and there are multiple customers associated with the account, each customer that logs into the OCPO Portal will only see the Suite they booked
- Primary Contact: Primary contact of the suite
- Billing Address: Billing address
- Account Notes: Notes for the suite account
Order Adjustments Hierarchy
Order Settings can be applied to an account. It is important to understand the hierarchy of how order settings get applied in the OCPO Portal. The OCPO portal is where guests can place a preorder before event day.
Settings are enforced in the following order:
1. Booking: The OCPO site will look for Order Adjustments at the Booking first. If none exist, see #2.
2. Account: The OCPO site will then look for Order Adjustments at the Suite Account. If none exist, see #3.
3. Location: The OCPO site will then use Order Adjustments at the Commissary Location.
How to Attach Order Settings
Input the following:
- Surcharge - Surcharges for this account
- Gratuity - Gratuity for this account
Menus - Menu available to this account for pre-orders in the OCPO Portal
- The OCPO Portal will display menus according to the following hierarchy:
1. Booking: The OCPO site will look for a menu attached to the booking first. If none exists, see #2.
2. Account: The OCPO site will then look for a menu attached to the Suite Account. If none exists, see #3.
3. Location: The OCPO site will then look for a menu attached to the Suites Commissary Location.
- The OCPO Portal will display menus according to the following hierarchy:
How to Create Customers
Suite Accounts can have multiple associated Customers.
To add a new customer to an account,
1. Click Add Customer.
2. Input the Customer Details.
Customer Details include:
- Name - Name of the customer
- Email - Contact email for the customer (if using an OCPO website, this is the customer's username to log in and place a preorder)
- Phone - Contact phone number for the customer
When editing an existing customer, you will be able to provide the following details:
- Password - Password that customer will use to log in to the online customer portal
Card(s) on File - Customer will need to have a card on file to be able to view a menu and place a preorder through the online customer portal.
- Note: The Customer will be able to have multiple cards on file. To add additional cards on file, the guest must contact the venue. The guest will only be prompted once to add a card to the OCPO portal when they first log in (unless they call to have it deleted, then they will get prompted again the next time they log in).
- Note: The Customer will be able to have multiple cards on file. To add additional cards on file, the guest must contact the venue. The guest will only be prompted once to add a card to the OCPO portal when they first log in (unless they call to have it deleted, then they will get prompted again the next time they log in).
3. Click Save.